これだけ見れば丸わかり!AWS re:Invent 2019 のセッション動画とレポート記事まとめ #reinvent

これだけ見れば丸わかり!AWS re:Invent 2019 のセッション動画とレポート記事まとめ #reinvent

re:Invent 2019 の公開セッション動画の一覧と、弊社レポート記事をまとめました!(三度心が折れましたが完成しました)
Clock Icon2020.02.24



re:Invent 2019 のレポートまとめ記事は既にあったのですが、『公開動画に対して、レポート記事があるかないかの一覧』が欲しいなぁ、とふと思ったので作成しました。(軽い気持ちではじめたことを後悔するくらいに動画もレポート記事も多かった。。)

基本的には執筆時点の公式のプレイリストを参考にリストを作成していますが、公式のプレイリストには無かった『AI と機械学習(AIM)』なども動画を探してリストに追加しました。一方で、数が多かったスポンサーセッション(セッションコード xxx-S)や、現地セッションではない事前収録セッション(xxx-P)はレポート記事があるものだけを記載しています。

セッションタイトルは邦題にしたほうが良いんだろうなと思いつつ、リンクの数で心が折れてしまったので、各自 Google ページ翻訳などご利用ください。

500 近いセッション動画のリストがありますので、基本的に re:Invent2019 の主要な公開セッションはここから飛べるかと思います。 レポート記事があるものは、あわせてお読みいただけると幸いです。




AWS Japan

re:Invent 2019 内のセッション動画ではありませんが、サクッと日本語でダイジェストをチェックされたい方は、AWSJ さんの以下の動画もオススメです。

セッションタイトル Developers.IO
AWS re:Invent 2019 ダイジェスト ~AWS の最新動向を学ぶ~ -
AWS re:Invent 2019 Re:cap サービス・ソリューション別 part1 -
AWS re:Invent 2019 Re:cap サービス・ソリューション別 part2 -
AWS re:Invent 2019 Re:cap サービス・ソリューション別 part3 -

Advertising and Marketing

セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Leadership session: Digital marketing and ad technology (ADM201-L) -
Reimagining advertising analytics & identity resolution at scale (ADM203) -
End-to-end machine learning using Spark and Amazon SageMaker (ADM302-R1) -

AI and MachineLearning


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Get started with AWS DeepRacer(AIM207) レポート
The new Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor: Address concept drift & model quality(AIM213) レポート
AWS DeepComposer: Get started with generative AI(AIM223) レポート(1)
Stop guessing: Use AI to understand customer conversations(AIM303) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] Optimizing Your Machine Learning Models on Amazon SageMaker(AIM361) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] Build, train & debug, and deploy & monitor with Amazon SageMaker(AIM362) レポート
How to use NLP for domain-specific data(AIM363) レポート
Amazon SageMaker RL: Solving business problems with RL and bandits(AIM404) レポート
Optimize deep learning models for edge deployments with AWS DeepLens(AIM405) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Starting the enterprise ML journey, ft. ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE (AIM205-R1) -
Finding a needle in a haystack: AI to transform content management (AIM206-R) レポート(1)
Transform the way you search & interact w/ enterprise data using AI (AIM208-R1) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] Amazon Transcribe Medical: Transforming Healthcare w/ AI (AIM210) レポート
AI document processing for business automation (AIM211-R1) -
ML in retail: Solutions that add intelligence to your business (AIM212) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] Introducing Amazon SageMaker Studio, full IDE for ML (AIM214-R1) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] Amazon SageMaker Autopilot: Auto-generate ML models (AIM215-R) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] Amazon SageMaker Debugger: Insights into ML model (AIM216-R1) レポート
Leadership session: Machine learning (AIM218-L) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] New Amazon SageMaker notebook experience (AIM230-R1) レポート
Media discovery and compliance with Amazon Rekognition (AIM232)


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
How to build high-performance ML solutions at low cost, ft. Aramex (AIM306-R) -
Amazon SageMaker deep dive: A modular solution for machine learning (AIM307) -
Build accurate training datasets with Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth (AIM308) -
Why observability requires the marriage of AI, metrics, and logs (AIM310-S) レポート
The right instance type in Amazon SageMaker, ft. Texas Instruments (AIM311-R1) -
Predict future business outcomes using Amazon Forecast (AIM312) レポート
Adding computer vision to your applications (AIM313-R1) レポート
Fraud: How to detect and prevent it using ML (AIM322-R1) レポート
Delight your customers with ML-based personalized recommendations (AIM323) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] Amazon Augmented AI for human review of ML predictions (AIM325-R1) レポート
Implement ML workflows with Kubernetes and Amazon SageMaker (AIM326-R1) -
Security for ML environments w/ Amazon SageMaker, featuring Vanguard (AIM327-R1) -
Changing the game with ML: How AI, ML, and IoT are transforming sports (AIM369)レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Deep learning applications with TensorFlow, featuring Fannie Mae (AIM410-R1) -
Deep learning applications with Apache MXNet, featuring the BBC (AIM411-R1) -
Deep learning applications with PyTorch, featuring Freshworks (AIM412-R1) -
Deep dive on Project Jupyter(AIM413) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
How developers can build natural, extensible voice conversations (ALX201-R2) -
Alexa, what can I do now? (ALX202-R1) -
Go from 0 to 60 with Alexa Connect Kit (ALX203-R1) レポート
Creating products w/ Alexa Built-in using low-cost microcontrollers (ALX204-R1) -
DevOps your Alexa skill: Why testing and automation matter (ALX318) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Amazon.com: Enterprise database migration at scale (AMZ301) レポート
Prime Video: Processing analytics at petabyte scale (AMZ304) レポート
Building a virtual fob with Amazon Key for Business and AWS IoT (AMZ305) レポート



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Building workflows on AWS Lake Formation & AWS Glue(ANT201) レポート
Analytics with Amazon Athena(ANT222) レポート
Use Amazon ES to visualize and monitor containerized applications(ANT332) レポート
Modernize your data warehouse with Amazon Redshift(ANT412) レポート
Performance and elasticity in Amazon Redshift(ANT416) レポート
Accelerating performance with materialized views(ANT417) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Sophos: Build security solutions using Amazon Elasticsearch Service (ANT203) -
How Amazon leverages AWS to deliver analytics at enterprise scale (ANT204-R1) -
Leadership session: Trends with data lakes and analytics (ANT206-L) レポート
Simplifying and modernizing home search at Compass with Amazon ES (ANT207-R1) -
State-of-the-art cloud data warehousing, featuring Asurion (ANT213-R1) -
Embedding analytics into applications with Amazon QuickSight (ANT217) レポート
Data lakes and data integration with AWS Lake Formation (ANT218-R1) レポート(1)
Preparing data for reporting, ML, and AI on AWS (ANT227-S) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] Introducing UltraWarm for Amazon Elasticsearch Service (ANT229) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] Amazon Redshift reimagined: RA3 and AQUA (ANT230) レポート
AWS Data Exchange: Find & subscribe to third-party data in the cloud (ANT238-R) レポート
Insert, upsert, and delete data in Amazon S3 using Amazon EMR (ANT239) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Deep dive into Amazon Athena (ANT307-R1) レポート
Deep dive into running Apache Spark on Amazon EMR (ANT308-R1) -
Responding to customer needs in real time with Amazon MSK (ANT309-R1) -
Simplify video streaming for millions of smart home cameras (ANT318-R1) -
What’s new with Amazon Redshift, featuring Yelp (ANT320-R1) レポート(1)
Building a streaming data platform with Amazon Kinesis (ANT326-R1) -
Migrating Apache Spark and Hive from on-premises to Amazon EMR (ANT327-R1) -
Amazon ES ingest at Pearson—managing high throughput and scale (ANT329-R1) -
Intuit: Moving from monitoring to observability using Amazon ES (ANT330) -
AWS analytics enables fraud prevention for Sony’s PlayStation (ANT331) レポート(1)
How Woot.com built a serverless data lake with AWS analytics (ANT333) レポート
Migrate your data warehouse to the cloud, ft. Fannie Mae (ANT334-R) レポート
How to scale data analytics w/ Amazon Redshift, ft. Warner Bros. (ANT335-R1) レポート
How Prime Video processes 8 percent of all US internet traffic on AWS (ANT348) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Deep dive and best practices for Amazon Redshift (ANT418) レポート

Application integration


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
How to refactor a monolith to serverless in 8 steps(API310) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Nondisruptive strategies for application migration (API313) -
Scalable serverless event-driven applications using Amazon SQS & Lambda (API304) レポート
Application integration patterns for microservices (API315-R3) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] Building event-driven architectures w/ Amazon EventBridge (API320) レポート



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Automated ML model development life cycle(ARC318) レポート
Reinventing the Andon Cord: Amazon Virtual Andon solution(ARC347) レポート
Protecting your web applications from common attack vector(ARC348) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Innovation at speed (ARC203) -
Running lean architectures: How to be cost-effective on AWS (ARC209-R1) レポート(1)
Microservices decomposition for SaaS environments (ARC210-R1) レポート
Scaling up to your first 10 million users (ARC211-R) レポート
Cox Automotive: AWS Well-Architected Results on 200+ platforms (ARC212-R1) レポート(1)
Architecture patterns for multi-region active-active (ARC213-R2) レポート
Leadership session: AWS architecture (ARC218-L) -
Spirit AeroSystems’ Factory of the Future powered by AWS (ARC221-S) -
Reimagine SME banking: OpenDATA-enabled innovation at Rabobank (ARC223-S) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Serverless architectural patterns and best practices (ARC307-R3) -
From one to many: Evolving VPC design (ARC334-R2) -
Designing for failure: Architecting resilient systems on AWS (ARC335-R1) -
CLP Innovation: Increasing agility with cloud-native architectures (ARC336-R1) レポート
Baking the best security layer cake (ARC337-R) -
Best practices for IoT architecture using AWS smart product solution (ARC339-R1) レポート
How Goldman Sachs minimizes the impact of managing events (ARC338-R1) レポート
Amazon.com automating machine learning deployments at scale (ARC340-R1) -
Beyond five 9s: Lessons from our highest available data planes (ARC349-R1) -
Serverless SaaS deep dive: Building serverless SaaS on AWS (ARC410-R) -
Accelerated analytics: Building the next-gen data platform for Hertz (ARC414-S) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Create 3D web apps with AWS (ARV201-R1) -
Create digital twins using AWS IoT Core and Amazon Sumerian (ARV203) -
Create augmented reality experiences with AWS (ARV204-R1) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Leadership session: Automotive industry innovation in the cloud (AUT202-L)
Alexa, where's my car? Test driving AWS connected vehicle solution 2.0 (AUT305) -
Creating a data-driven, cloud-native ecosystem at BMW Group (AUT306) -
Navigating the winding road toward driverless mobility (AUT307) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Why you need a ledger database: BMW, DVLA, & Sage discuss use cases (BLC203) レポート
Enterprise solutions with blockchain: Nestlé, Sony Music, & Workday (BLC204) レポート(1)
Dive deep into Managed Blockchain (BLC301-R1) レポート

AWS Community


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
IoT big data pipeline for serverless analytics and anomaly detection(CMY305) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Future-proof your career: Java dev to machine-learning practitioner (CMY201) -
Performing chaos engineering in a serverless world (CMY301) レポート(1)
Scaling Hotstar.com for 25 million concurrent viewers (CMY302) レポート(1)
Using Amazon CloudFront, AWS WAF, and Lambda@Edge to keep spammers out (CMY303) レポート
Data modeling with Amazon DynamoDB (CMY304) レポート(1)
IoT big data pipeline for serverless analytics and anomaly detection (CMY305) レポート



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
New, simplified BYOL experience for Windows Server & SQL Server workloads(CMP342) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Leadership session: What’s new in compute? (CMP201-L) -
Better, faster, cheaper compute: Cost-optimizing Amazon EC2 (CMP202-R1) レポート(1)
Studio in the cloud: Content production on AWS (CMP203) レポート
HPC on AWS: Innovating without infrastructure constraints (CMP204-R1) レポート
Dive deep on how to save with AWS Savings Plans (CMP210-R1) レポート
Amazon EC2 foundations (CMP211-R2) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] AWS Wavelength: Run applications w/ ultra-low latency (CMP212-R1) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] Introducing quantum computing with AWS (CMP213-R) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] EC2 Image Builder: Virtual machine images made easy (CMP214-R1) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
AWS Outposts: Extend the AWS experience to on-premises environments (CMP302-R1) レポート
Powering next-gen Amazon EC2: Deep dive into the Nitro system (CMP303-R2) レポート
AWS infrastructure for large-scale training at Facebook AI (CMP304-R1) レポート
Amazon EBS snapshots: What’s new, best practices, and security (CMP305-R2) レポート
How Dropbox leverages hybrid cloud for scale and innovation (CMP320) -
Deep dive on Arm-based EC2 instances powered by AWS Graviton (CMP322-R1) レポート
Optimize performance and cost for your AWS compute (CMP323-R1) -
Deliver high performance ML inference with AWS Inferentia (CMP324-R1) -
Capacity management made easy with Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling (CMP326-R1) -
Uber builds scalable autonomous vehicle simulations w/ AWS Batch (CMP328-R1) レポート
Save up to 90% and run production workloads on Spot Instances (CMP331-R1) -
Simplifying Microsoft architectures with AWS services (CMP332) -
Deep dive on AWS Nitro security for apps running on Amazon EC2 (CMP338-R1) -



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Deep Dive on Fargate Spot(CON311) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Running Kubernetes at Amazon scale using Amazon EKS (CON212-R1) -
Using containers & serverless to accelerate application development (CON213-L) レポート
Roadmaps for containers, application networking & Amazon Linux at AWS (CON217) -
How Amazon Lex uses Amazon ECS to process batches at scale (CON218) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Building machine-learning infrastructure on Amazon EKS with Kubeflow (CON306-R1) レポート(1)
Top 5 container and Kubernetes best practices (CON307-S) レポート(1)
All in on AWS Fargate for high-security workloads (CON322-R1) -
AWS App Mesh under the hood (CON323-R1) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] Cost Optimization with Containers and Spot (CON324-R1) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] Enabling application-first thinking with Amazon ECS (CON325-R1) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] Running Kubernetes Applications on AWS Fargate (CON326-R1) -
Oversubscription at scale: Running tons of containers w/ Kubernetes (CON327-R1) -
Improving observability of your containers (CON328-R1) レポート
Running Kubernetes clusters at scale: Square (CON329) -
Running Kubernetes clusters at scale: Bird (CON330) -
Best practices for CI/CD using AWS Fargate and Amazon ECS (CON333-R) レポート
Running high-security workloads on Amazon EKS (CON334-R1) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Application-level network management & observability w/ App Mesh (CON406-R1) レポート
AWS Fargate under the hood (CON423-R1) レポート(1)
Amazon EKS under the hood (CON421-R1) -



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Managing databases on premises with Amazon RDS on AWS Outposts(DAT310) レポート
Running mission-critical databases on Amazon RDS for Oracle(DAT312) レポート
How Lambda256 developed a major blockchain platform with AWS databases(DAT313) レポート
Build full-stack apps in 15 minutes or less with AWS databases(DAT330) レポート
Deploying the CIA security triad model on Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora(DAT344) レポート
Migrating open-source databases from Amazon EC2 to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL(DAT350) レポート
Running on-premises databases with Amazon RDS on VMware(DAT401) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
What's new in Amazon Aurora (DAT202-R1) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] Managing databases on-premises w/ Amazon RDS (DAT203) -
How Verizon Media implemented push notification using Amazon DynamoDB (DAT205) -
What's new in Amazon RDS (DAT207-R2) -
Supercharge your real-time apps with Amazon ElastiCache (DAT208) -
Leadership session: AWS purpose-built databases (DAT209-L) レポート
Leadership session: Database and analytics (DAT212-L) レポート
Real-world customer use cases with Amazon Neptune (DAT220) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Scale fearlessly with Amazon DynamoDB adaptive capacity (DAT304) -
Amazon Aurora storage demystified: How it all works (DAT309-R1) -
MySQL options on AWS: Self-managed, managed, and serverless (DAT316-R1) -
PostgreSQL options on AWS: Self-managed, managed, and serverless (DAT317-R1) -
How Uber stores financial transactions in ledgers using Amazon DynamoDB (DAT319) -
Deep Dive on Amazon Aurora with MySQL Compatibility (DAT321-R1) -
Whatʼs new with Amazon ElastiCache (DAT323-R1) レポート(1)
Amazon DocumentDB deep dive (DAT326) レポート
Deep dive on Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL compatibility (DAT328-R1) レポート
Best practices: migrating Redis clusters from Amazon EC2 to ElastiCache (DAT358) -
How Amazon.com migrated its applications from Oracle to AWS databases (DAT359) レポート
Analytical use cases with AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) (DAT360-R1) -
Deep dive on Amazon Neptune (DAT361) -
Dive deep into AWS SCT and AWS DMS (DAT362-R) レポート
Migrating your data warehouses to Amazon Redshift (DAT363-R1) -
Deep dive on new features in Amazon RDS for SQL Server (DAT364-R1) レポート
Deep dive on new features in Amazon RDS for Oracle (DAT365-R1) -
Norton Storage Platform’s journey from Cassandra to Amazon DynamoDB (DAT371) -
Migrating your databases to Amazon DocumentDB (DAT372) -
Data platform engineering: How Vanguard is migrating data to AWS (DAT373) -
Using Redis beyond caching (DAT374-S) レポート
Amazon QLDB: An engineer’s deep dive on why this is a game changer (DAT380) レポート
How Verizon moves critical databases to Amazon RDS with zero downtime (DAT381) レポート
Aurora Serverless: Scalable, cost-effective application deployment (DAT382) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Amazon DynamoDB deep dive: Advanced design patterns (DAT403-R1) レポート
Amazon Aurora Multi-Master: Scaling out database write performance (DAT404-R1) レポート



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
DevOps essentials: Introductory workshop on CI/CD practices(DOP201) レポート
Implementing GitFLow with AWS tools(DOP202) レポート
Get hands-on with Python/boto3 with no or minimal Python experience(DOP203) レポート
Building a CI/CD pipeline for blue/green deployments using AWS Fargate(DOP305) レポート
AWS Tools for PowerShell(DOP331) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Amplifying CI/CD helped Wag! reduce release process by 600% (DOP205-S) レポート
Driving change and building a high-performance DevOps culture (DOP207-R1) -
Amazon’s approach to failing successfully (DOP208-R1) レポート
Introduction to DevOps on AWS (DOP209-R1) -
Leadership Session: Developer Tools on AWS (DOP210-L) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] Introduction to Amazon CodeGuru (DOP211) レポート
Best practices for building your business on AWS IQ (DOP212) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Best practices for authoring AWS CloudFormation (DOP302-R1) レポート(1)
Improving resiliency with chaos engineering (DOP309-R1) レポート(1)
Amazon’s approach to security during development (DOP310-R1) -
Strategies for securing code in the cloud and on premises (DOP320-R1) -
Migrating .NET frameworks to the cloud (DOP321) -
Continuous delivery to AWS with GitHub Actions (DOP322-S) レポート
Deploy your code, scale, and lower cloud costs using Elastic Beanstalk (DOP326) -
Introducing The Amazon Builders’ Library (DOP328) -
Amazon's approach to building resilient services (DOP342-R1) レポート
Introduction to the AWS CLI v2 (DOP343-R) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Deep dive into AWS Cloud Development Kit (DOP402-R1) レポート
Amazon's approach to high-availability deployment (DOP404-R1) -
What's new in AWS CloudFormation (DOP408-R2) レポート

End User Computing & Business Apps


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Migrating your Windows 7 desktops to Windows 10 on Amazon WorkSpaces(EUC330) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Overview of Amazon digital user engagement & messaging solutions (EUC206) -
Build high-volume email applications with Amazon SES (EUC207) -
Amazon Connect: Omnichannel cloud contact centers w Intuit & Salesforce (EUC209) レポート
Leadership session: End-user computing (EUC210-L) -
Modern service desk with Amazon Connect and News Corp (EUC211) -
The New York Times: Improving customer care with Amazon Connect (EUC213) -
Contact Lens for Amazon Connect: new speech analytics powered by ML (EUC214-R1) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Move your desktops and applications to AWS EUC (EUC302) レポート
Accolade speeds health answers to customers with Amazon Connect (EUC337) -
Carnival Cruise Line moved from on-premises VDI to Amazon WorkSpaces (EUC338) -
Why GE Renewable Energy and Multiview stream their desktop applications (EUC341) -
How Facebook deployed Amazon WorkSpaces globally (EUC404) -



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
The best replatforming strategies for legacy workloads(ENT309) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Operating as a high-frequency enterprise (ENT203-R1) レポート
Managing your cloud financials as you scale on AWS (ENT204-R1) レポート
Get started on your migration business case (ENT205-R1) レポート
Cloud migration in the face of data-center eviction (ENT214) -
Five steps AMS leverages to accelerate cloud adoption (ENT215) レポート
Differentiation through innovation (ENT216) -
Executing a large-scale migration to AWS (ENT218-R1) レポート
Amazon culture of innovation (ENT224-R1) レポート
The why, what & how of transforming and innovating with SAP solutions (ENT225) -
Increase business value through modernization (ENT226) -
Leadership session: The enterprise transformation journey with AWS (ENT229-L) -
How to go from zero to hundreds of certified AWS engineers (ENT231) -
Merck drives innovation with a “real-world data exchange” on AWS (ENT232-S) -
How Salesforce and AWS accelerate the contact center (ENT235-S) レポート
Best practices to become data-driven with AWS (ENT236) -
Transform your enterprise using AWS experience-based accelerators (ENT237) -
How ENGIE, HP & SAP itself are transforming their SAP solutions (ENT241) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Strategies and tools to migrate hundreds of applications (ENT307-R1) レポート
Build your next microservices application with modern AWS services (ENT308-S) レポート
Inside story of Phillips 66 SAP S/4HANA business transformation (ENT317) -
Building hybrid cloud architectures with VMware and AWS (ENT318-R1) -
Migration to AWS: A foundation for enterprise transformation (ENT319-R1) レポート
Cloud operations engineer: A day in the life (ENT320-R1) レポート

Financial Services

セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Leadership session: Running critical FSI applications on AWS (FSI201-L) レポート
AXA: Scaling adoption with a global landing zone (FSI202) -
NAB: Transforming customer experience with data and machine learning (FSI203) -
JPMorgan Chase: Moving workloads at speed and scale (FSI204) -
Tale of two cities: Goldman Sachs’s hybrid migration approach (FSI303) -
Nasdaq: From data warehouse to data lake (FSI304) -
Barclays: Accelerating research data science using AWS (FSI305) -
HSBC: Meeting requirements for open banking with serverless (FSI306) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
How Rovio teaches Angry Birds to fly in the cloud using ML (GAM301) レポート
Migrating the live Pokémon database to Aurora PostgreSQL (GAM304) レポート
How CAPCOM builds fun games fast with containers, data, and ML (GAM302) レポート
How Call of Duty uses ML to personalize player engagement (GAM303) レポート(1)

Global Partner Summit


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
AWS Alien Attack workshop (GPSTEC406) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Win the market opportunity for Microsoft workloads on AWS(GPSBUS201) -
Delivering customer value through next-gen managed services(GPSBUS202) -
APN Technology Partner journey: Winning with AWS for ISVs(GPSBUS203) -
Partner with APN to build and deliver SaaS solutions(GPSBUS204) -
Building ML practices to address the top four use cases(GPSBUS205) レポート
Migrations: The opportunity for you and your customers(GPSBUS211) -
Accelerate your business growth with VMware Cloud on AWS(GPSBUS212) -
Get a consumer-based experience of software provisioning(GPSMKT201-R) -
Use AWS Marketplace to reach over 230,000 customers(GPSMKT202) -
How to sell in AWS Marketplace(GPSMKT203) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Architecting multi-tenant PaaS offerings with Amazon EKS(GPSTEC337) -
Building data lakes for your customers with SAP on AWS(GPSTEC338) レポート
Integrate Managed Blockchain & Amazon QLDB in your solutions portfolio(GPSTEC339) レポート
Insights into patient health with Amazon Comprehend Medical(GPSTEC341) -
Primary storage for SaaS solutions(GPSTEC342) -
Build and automate a modern serverless data lake on AWS(GPSTEC343) -
HashiCorp Enterprise on AWS best practices(GPSTEC344-R) -
Operational excellence with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL(GPSTEC345) -
Legacy non-x86 modernization with AWS(GPSTEC346) -
.NET from the ground to the cloud(GPSTEC348) -
Achieve your identity, security, and compliance goals on AWS(GPSTEC415) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Healthcare leadership: Data-driven care for individuals & populations (HLC201-L) -
Creating a personalized digital front door for Healthcare patients (HLC307) レポート
Healthcare data interoperability on AWS (HLC308) レポート



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Build an end-to-end IoT example with AWS IoT Core(IOT212) レポート
Building voice-controlled home devices with AWS IoT and Alexa(IOT304) レポート(1)
Implementing multi-region AWS IoT(IOT335) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
More than rubber on the road: Tires in an IoT world (IOT204-S) レポート
Digital transformation and IoT monetization (IOT207-R1) レポート
What's new with AWS IoT analytics services? (IOT208) レポート
Building smarter devices for a better life (IOT209-R1) -
Post-launch planning for IoT deployments (IOT210-R1) -
What's new with AWS IoT connectivity and control services? (IOT213) -
What's new with AWS IoT Device Software? (IOT214) -
Accelerating your IoT journey w/ the AWS IoT and APN Partner community (IOT218) -
Building end-to-end solutions (IOT220-R1) -
Driving operational performance across industrial facilities w/ AWS (IOT221-R1) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Transform industries with AWS IoT (IOT305-L) -
Designing secure IoT solutions from the edge to cloud (IOT306-R2) -
From testing to scaling (IOT307-R1) -
Combining IoT and machine learning for predictive maintenance (IOT309-R1) -
Bringing intelligence to the edge for connected-home use cases (IOT310-R1) -
Combining camera feeds, edge computing, and ML for remote monitoring (IOT311-R1) -
AWS IoT and industrial automation at Amazon (IOT312-R1) -
How to deliver customer-centric connected-home experiences (IOT313-R1) -
Transforming automotive manufacturing with Volkswagen (IOT339) レポート
Simplify the migration of IoT applications to AWS IoT (IOT341-R1) -

Life Sciences

セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Life Sciences leadership: Transforming the pharma value chain (LFS201-L) -
Digital therapeutics and patient personalization (LFS202) -
Enhancing clinical trials with machine learning (LFS203) -
Data lakes reimagined: Efficiency & innovation at Bristol-Myers Squibb (LFS204) -
Labs of the future in Life Sciences (LFS302) レポート

Management Tools & Governance


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Leadership session: AWS management and governance services (MGT201-L) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Cut through the chaos: Gain operational visibility and insight (MGT301-R1) レポート
Enable AWS adoption at scale with automation and governance (MGT302-R1) -
How to ensure configuration compliance (MGT303-R1) レポート
Automate everything: Options and best practices (MGT304) レポート
Architect governance at enterprise scale with Goldman Sachs (MGT313) レポート



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Balance agility and governance for software procurement & provisioning(MKT202) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Master your security in the cloud (MKT201-R1) -
Detect network and security anomalies with Traffic Mirroring (MKT203-R1) -
Automate your security on AWS (MKT204) -
Deep dive on using AWS Data Exchange for ML and data analytics (MKT212) -

Media Solutions


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Building resilient live streaming video workflows(MDS306) レポート
Streaming media workloads within the AWS Well-Architected Framework(MDS307) レポート
Launch a live video channel in minutes(MDS403) レポート
Automate, accelerate, and appreciate your VOD workflows(MDS404) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Latest Media & Entertainment industry news from AWS (MDS201) レポート
Optimizing live video feeds to the cloud and the consumer (MDS202-R1) レポート
Cultures of belonging: Workplace diversity, equity, & inclusion (MDS203-S) -
WarnerMedia/HBO’s cloud-based linear playout system (MDS301) -
Evolution of personalization/recommendation for video workflows (MDS303-R1) レポート
Live broadcasting on AWS (MDS311-R1) レポート
Hotstar: Live streaming at record scale (MDS313-R1) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Leadership session: Innovations in mobile & web app development (MOB306-L) -
Frontend web and cross-platform mobile development on AWS (MOB307) レポート
Production-grade full-stack apps with AWS Amplify (MOB308-R1) -
Develop serverless GraphQL architectures using AWS AppSync (MOB309-R1) レポート
Speed up native mobile development with AWS Amplify (MOB317) -
Build data-driven mobile and web apps with AWS AppSync (MOB402) -
Bring machine learning to mobile and progressive web apps (MOB403-R1) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Optimizing Aerospace manufacturing operations & supply chain with AWS (MFG201) -
Building on AWS: The architecture of the Siemens MindSphere platform (MFG202) -
Modernizing pharmaceutical manufacturing with IoT and AI/ML (MFG203) -
Volkswagen takes production to the cloud (MFG204) -
Leadership session: From BI to AI at INVISTA (MFG205-L) -
Leadership session: AWS for the Semiconductor industry (MFG206-L) -
Electronic design automation: Scaling EDA workflows (MFG304) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
More data science with less engineering: ML infrastructure at Netflix (NFX201) -
A day in the life of a Netflix engineer (NFX202) レポート
From pitch to play: The technology behind going from ideas to streaming (NFX203) -
Monitoring anomalous application behavior (NFX205) -
Benchmarking stateful services in the cloud (NFX207) -



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Hybrid connectivity on AWS(NET204) レポート
Four steps for debugging your content delivery on AWS(NET303) レポート
Customizing content delivery with Lambda@Edge(NET307) レポート(1)


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
AWS networking fundamentals (NET201-R2) -
Leadership session: Networking (NET203-L) レポート
Service mesh across hybrid infrastructure (NET211-S) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] Introducing AWS Network Manager (NET212) -
What everyone should know about hybrid cloud networking (NET214-S) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Advanced VPC design and new capabilities for Amazon VPC (NET305-R1) レポート
Enabling automated astrophysics with AWS Ground Station (NET308-R1) レポート
Optimizing for performance in CloudFront: Every millisecond counts! (NET309-R1) レポート
Building serverless micro frontends at the edge (NET310-R1) -
Maintaining security and availability on the unpredictable internet (NET313) -
Connectivity to AWS and hybrid AWS network architectures (NET317-R1) レポート(1)
Building highly available applications using Global Accelerator (NET318-R1) レポート
The right AWS network architecture for the right reason (NET320-R1) レポート
AWS PrivateLink deployments: DNS mechanisms for routing & resiliency (NET321) -
Shared VPC: Simplify your AWS Cloud scale network with VPC sharing (NET322-R1) レポート
Innovation and operation of the AWS global network infrastructure (NET339) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
AWS Transit Gateway reference architectures for many VPCs (NET406-R1) レポート
Get the most from Elastic Load Balancing for different workloads (NET407-R2) レポート
Deep dive on DNS in the hybrid cloud (NET410) レポート

Open Source


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Change is coming to robotics development: The shift to ROS 2 (OPN201) レポート
Secure your Open Distro for Elasticsearch cluster (OPN204) -
Contributing to the AWS Construct Library (OPN205-R1) -
PartiQL: One query language for all of your data (OPN207) レポート
Building modern APIs with GraphQL (OPN208-R2) -
Using open source to re-architect monolithic applications (OPN210) レポート
How Zalando runs Kubernetes clusters at scale on AWS (OPN211) -
Enterprise blockchain: AWS's open-source approach (OPN217) レポート(1)
It’s always day zero: Working on open source and security (OPN219) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
BPF performance analysis at Netflix (OPN303-R1) レポート
Migrating AWS Lambda's front end from Java 8 to Java 11 (OPN304) -
How Optum manages transient developer accounts at scale (OPN305) -
Firecracker open-source innovation (OPN402) レポート

Public Sector

セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Worldwide Public Sector Breakfast Keynote (WPS01) -
A tale of two IT modernization strategies (WPS201) -
AWS Educate: Innovation in education (WPS203) -
AWS Secret Region: Lessons learned around DevSecOps (WPS310) -
Monitoring the Earth without costing the world (WPS323) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
AI/ML drives CPG transformation & customer engagement (RET202-L) -
Leadership session: Born from retail, built for retailers (RET203-L) レポート
Deckers Brands & Kmart Australia's approaches to retail transformation (RET204) -
How rue21 & Kimberly-Clark use analytics to lead customer journeys (RET205) -



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Cloud robotics: Build and operate a smart robot with AWS(ROB303) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Leadership session: Welcome to the era of smart robots (ROB201-L) レポート
Embracing the next wave of digital transformation via smart robots (ROB202) -
Running tests in simulation with AWS RoboMaker (ROB301-R1) レポート
Innovation in robotics: Insights from NASA JPL and AWS (ROB302) レポート

Security, Compliance, and Identity


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Deep dive on security in Amazon S3(SEC319) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Leadership session: AWS security (SEC201-L) レポート
The fundamentals of AWS cloud security (SEC205-R2) レポート
Threat management in the cloud: Amazon GuardDuty & AWS Security Hub (SEC206-R1) レポート(1)
Leadership session: AWS identity (SEC207-L) -
Getting started with AWS identity (SEC209-R1) -
Vulnerability disclosure and response with AWS security (SEC212-R1) -
nib Health Funds: Running critical regulated workloads in the cloud (SEC214) -
Securing the Super Bowl at CBS Interactive (SEC221-S) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Achieving security goals with AWS CloudHSM (SEC305-R1) レポート
Managing user permissions at scale with AWS SSO (SEC308) -
[NEW LAUNCH!] Dive Deep into IAM Access Analyzer (SEC309) レポート
Security best practices for the Amazon EC2 instance metadata service (SEC310) レポート
Security best practices for the Amazon EC2 instance metadata service (SEC310) レポート
[NEW LAUNCH!] Introducing Amazon Detective (SEC312) レポート
Beyond the scripts: Governance automation master class (SEC313-S) レポート
Access control confidence: Right access to the right things (SEC316-R1) レポート
DIY guide to runbooks, incident reports, and incident response (SEC318-R1) -
Architecting security & governance across your landing zone (SEC325-R2) レポート
Bot mitigation at the edge (SEC332-R1) レポート
Toyota Motor North America: Securing the cloud with AWS KMS (SEC337) レポート
How FINRA builds serverless data-masking pipelines across accounts (SEC338) -
Actionable threat hunting in AWS (SEC339) -
Using AWS KMS for data protection, access control, and audit (SEC340-R1) レポート
Provable access control: Know who can access your AWS resources (SEC343-R) レポート
National Australia Bank: Automating governance in Financial Services (SEC352) -
Speculation & leakage: Timing side channels & multi-tenant computing (SEC355) -
Prepare for & respond to security incidents in your AWS environment (SEC356) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Access management in 4D (SEC405-R1) レポート
A defense-in-depth approach to building web applications (SEC407-R) レポート
Security benefits of the Nitro architecture (SEC408-R1) -



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Build a serverless web app for a theme park(SVS201) レポート
Build a serverless ride-sharing web application(SVS203) レポート
AWS Lambda function performance tuning(SVS224) レポート
Build a serverless online game and real-time leaderboard(SVS302) レポート
Monolith to serverless SaaS: A hands-on service decomposition(SVS303) レポート
How to secure your serverless applications(SVS305) レポート
Serverless AI inference with AWS Lambda(SVS315) レポート
AWS Lambda layers deep dive(SVS321) レポート
Mastering AWS Lambda streaming event sources(SVS323) レポート
Build serverless APIs supported by Amazon Aurora Serverless & the Data API(SVS333) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Automatically scale a serverless app with Amazon Textract & MongoDB (SVS210-S) レポート
I didn’t know Amazon API Gateway did that (SVS212-R2) レポート
From prototype to org-wide serverless adoption: Key considerations (SVS226) -
Delivering agility at McDonald's with microservices transformation (SVS227-S) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Moving to event-driven architectures (SVS308-R1) -
Securing enterprise-grade serverless apps (SVS310-R1) -
Serverless stream processing pipeline best practices (SVS317-R1) -
The serverless journey of shop.LEGO.com (SVS320-R1) レポート(1)
Serverless at scale: Design patterns and optimizations (SVS335-R1) -
CI/CD for serverless applications (SVS336-R1) レポート
An in-depth tour of AWS SAM (SVS341-R1) -
Building microservices with AWS Lambda (SVS343-R1) レポート(1)


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Optimizing your serverless applications (SVS401-R1) レポート(1)
Building APIs from front to back (SVS402-R2) レポート
Best practices for AWS Lambda and Java (SVS403-R1) レポート
Networking best practices for serverless applications (SVS404-R1) レポート
A serverless journey: AWS Lambda under the hood (SVS405-R1) レポート
Asynchronous-processing best practices with AWS Lambda (SVS406-R1) -
Architecting and operating resilient serverless systems at scale (SVS407-R2) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
How Ginkgo Bioworks uses AWS to make organisms (STP201) -
Flexport: Using AI/ML to make global shipping easy (STP202) -
The modern startup: A look at today’s most successful architectures (STP203) -
How Affirm leverages AWS to support a unified data lake (STP205) -
Building the future of writing with AWS Lambda (STP206) -
How Coinbase handles incident management by leveraging AWS (STP207) -
How to build a company founded on engineering principles (STP208) -
Personal Capital: Lessons from a year with Amazon EKS (STP301) -
Using Amazon EMR to build a Spark ecosystem at Opendoor (STP302) -



セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Developing a game plan for storage migration to AWS(STG222) レポート
Getting started with hybrid file storage using File Gateway(STG225) レポート
Deep dive on AWS Snowball Edge(STG310) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Leadership session: Storage state of the union (STG201-L) -
What's new in AWS file storage (STG202) -
What's new with Amazon S3 and Amazon S3 Glacier (STG203-R2) レポート(1)
Get your data to AWS: How to choose and use data migration services (STG204-R1) -
Backup-and-restore and disaster-recovery solutions with AWS (STG208) レポート(1)
Real-world Veeam backup & disaster recovery with AWS: A customer view (STG210-S) レポート
How to use AWS storage for on-premises file-based applications (STG211) レポート
Managing your data at scale with Amazon S3 storage management tools (STG212) -
Storage for hybrid cloud and edge computing: Bring AWS to you (STG213) -
Data migration and edge computing with the AWS Snow family (STG214) レポート
Shift your tape backups to AWS to save time and money (STG217) -
Data archiving & digital preservation solutions with AWS, ft. Team Coco (STG234) レポート
Deep dive: File storage for business-critical applications (STG238) レポート
Guidelines and design patterns for optimizing cost in Amazon S3 (STG240-R2) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Deep dive on Amazon S3 security and management (STG301-R3) -
Best practices for Amazon S3, ft. Instructure (STG302-R1) レポート
Deep dive on Amazon EBS (STG303-R1) レポート
Network file system (NFS) evolved: Deep dive on Amazon EFS (STG304-R) レポート
Build hybrid storage architectures with AWS Storage Gateway (STG305-R1) レポート
Deep dive on Amazon FSx for Windows File Server (STG306-R1) -
Amazon S3 & FSx for Lustre: Dive on high-performance file storage (STG307-R1) レポート
Beyond eleven nines: Lessons from Amazon S3 culture of durability (STG331-R1) -
Migrate and modernize SFTP file transfer workflows with AWS (STG333) -
Deep dive on AWS Backup, ft. Rackspace (STG341) -
Rapid online data transfer with AWS DataSync (STG342) -
Optimize your storage performance with Amazon S3, ft. Lyft (STG343) -
Implementing a data lake on Amazon S3 ft. AppsFlyer (STG359-R1) レポート(1)
Securing Amazon EFS for container and data science applications (STG364) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Leadership session: Join T-Mobile in a rapid cloud-native journey (TLC205-L) -
How Vodafone's Intelligent Care platform utilizes AWS (TLC303) -
Zero to cloud: BT’s CCOE challenges, solutions, and patterns (TLC304) -
Industry 4.0 with mobile edge network services powered by AWS Outposts (TLC305) -

We Power Tech

セッションタイトル Developers.IO
We Power Tech: The importance of inclusive design(WPT201) レポート
We Power Tech: Promoting fairness in AI/ML(WPT202) レポート
We Power Tech: In diversity and inclusion, details matter(WPT203) -
We Power Tech: Women shifting to an abundance mindset(WPT204) -

Windows & .Net


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Five new features of Microsoft and .NET on AWS that you want to learn (WIN201-L) -
How to cost-optimize your Microsoft workloads on AWS (WIN202-R1) -


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Modernizing Microsoft SQL Server on AWS (WIN301-R1) -
Migrating Microsoft applications to AWS like an expert (WIN302) -
Developing serverless .NET Core on AWS (WIN308-R1) レポート
Containerize .NET Apps with Amazon EKS and AWS Fargate (WIN309) -
Infrastructure as .NET with the AWS CDK (WIN310) -
Start using AI/ML/DL in your .NET applications today (WIN311) -
Design, migrate, and optimize SQL Server on AWS (WIN313-R1) -
Active Directory on AWS to support Windows workloads (WIN312-R) レポート

20-min Presentations


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Do more with less: Unit and integration testing is broken(DEM11-S) レポート
Release with confidence: Observability for microservices(DEM14-S) レポート
Five data lake considerations w/ Amazon Redshift, Amazon S3 & AWS Glue(DEM19-S) レポート
Enhancing cloud security with continuous compliance(DEM22) レポート
Video editing in the cloud(DEM113) レポート
Running clinical applications on AWS(DEM115) レポート
Securely connecting microcontrollers to the AWS Cloud(DEM127) レポート
Introduction to data lakes and analytics on AWS(DEM135) レポート


セッションタイトル Developers.IO
Enabling AI at enterprise scale (DEM125) -
Using Amazon Textract for automated document processing (DEM147) -
Build predictive models using Amazon SageMaker (DEM148) -
Upgrading AWS Glue to use AWS Lake Formation permissions (DEM149) -
Increase OEE using AWS Solutions: Amazon Virtual Andon (DEM150) -
Run big data workloads faster and cheaper (DEM151) -
Create your first application in the cloud with Amazon Lightsail (DEM152) レポート
Demo of ECS CLI 2 (DEM153) -
Accelerate application development with Amazon Aurora (DEM154) -
Omnichannel cloud contact center with Amazon Connect (DEM155) -
Secondary sensing in industrial IoT apps (DEM156) -
Monitor security & automate compliance checks with AWS Security Hub (DEM157) -
AWS SAM toolkit: Build, test & debug your serverless applications (DEM158) レポート
Migrate your data to Amazon S3, and access it anywhere (DEM159) -
Data storage on AWS made simple (DEM160) -
Windows to Linux: Replatforming assistant for SQL Server databases (DEM161) -


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